List of Common Facebook Slang Words, Full Forms For Chatting and Status Messages

Facebook Slang Words: OMG, ASAP, IDK, etc. Don’t you think these common slang words have saved a lot of time on social networking sites? Social Networking Websites have totally engrossed the people of the world. Most of the time, people are busily involved in some of the all-time popular Social Networking websites like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Google+, etc.
The majority of people choose to chat and update their status, which includes some of the shortcodes like LOL, ROFL, ASAP, ASL, etc. If you are a regular Facebook user, then you must know the full form of these words. If not, don’t fear. We bring you a huge list of slang words (Facebook Slang Abbreviations) and help you become skilled with these common slang words used while chatting on Facebook or WhatsApp.
LOL, ASAP, GN, SD, TC, etc., are the most common words people use on Social Networking websites. These are some of the most common slang words used in Facebook Chatting. Some of the Social Networking Slang Words have been previously added to the Oxford Dictionary, according to the latest sources from BBC News.
List of Facebook Slang Words, Full Form for Chatting, Status & Messages
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ASAIC | As Soon As I Can |
LOL | Laugh Out Loud |
ASL | Tell me your Age, Sex and Location |
TU | Thank You |
GM | Good Morning |
GE | Good Evening |
GN | Good Night |
JFY | Just For You |
MTUK | More Than You Know |
OSLT | Or Something Like That |
ACC | Actually |
ACE | Excellent or Great |
AFS | Always Forever and Seriously |
APP | Application |
AUO | I don’t know |
AW | Anyway |
B4 | Before |
BBS | Be Back Soon |
BBL | Be Back Later |
BBN | Be Back Never |
BBT | Be Back Tomorrow |
BF | Boy Friend |
GF | Girl Friend |
BFF | Best Friend Forever |
BOT | Back On Topic |
BBZ | Babes |
CYL | Catch You Later |
D8 | Date |
DAM | Don’t Ask Me |
DAQ | Don’t Ask Question |
DARL | Darling |
DAT | That |
DDT | Don’t Do That |
F9 | Fine |
FBF | Facebook Friend |
G2E | Go To Eat |
G8 | Great |
GTH | Go To Hell |
H2CUS | Hope To See You Soon |
HAGL | Have A Good Life |
HAGD | Have A Good Day |
HAGN | Have A Good Night |
HAGE | Have A Good Evening |
HAND | Have A Nice Day |
HBU | How About You |
HDU | How Dare You |
HEY | Hello, Hi |
HF | Have Fun |
HHOJ | Ha Ha, Only Joking |
HHOK | Ha Ha, Only Kidding |
HHVF | Ha Ha, Very Funny |
hm… | Thinking |
ILU, ILY | I Love You! |
IAS | In A Second |
IB | I’m Back |
IHS | I Hope So |
IIL | I’m in Love |
IK | I Know |
J4F | Just For Fun |
J4L | Just For Laugh |
J4U | Just For You |
JLT | Just Like That |
K | Okay |
KL | Cool |
B4 | Before |
M/F | Are you Male or Female |
IDK | I Don’t Know |
L8 | Later |
L8ER | Later |
ME2 | Me Too |
N | And |
N2G | Need To Go |
NOPE | No |
O7 | Salute |
OMG | Oh! My God |
OOPS | If you make a mistake, you can say |
OYE | Listen up |
PPL | People |
PRO | Professional |
PLZ | Please |
PM | Private Message |
Q&A | Question and Answer |
RI8 | Right |
S2U | Same to You |
SRY | Sorry |
THANQ | Thank You |
THANX, TNX | Thanks |
THN | Then |
TTLY | Totally |
TTUL | Talk To You Later |
TTUS | Talk To You Soon |
U | You |
UR | Your |
W/ | With |
W/O | Without |
W/E | Whatever |
W8 | Wait |
WC | Welcome |
W^ | What’s up |
XLNT | Excellent |
X_X | Dead |
Y | Why |
YEAH, YH | Yes |
SD | Sweet Dreams |
WTF | What The F**k |
BTW | By The Way |
BRB | Be Right Back |
JK | Just Kidding |
zzz | Sleeping |
JK | Just Kidding |
FYI | For Your Information |
FB | |
WTH | What The Hell |
LMK | Let Me Know |
You can use these WhatsApp and Facebook Slang Words Lists while chatting online with your friends and others. To communicate well with your buddies, just share this post with your friends and followers via Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Stay tuned for the list of all Facebook Smileys.